Yoshiaki Tsujikawa recalls |
AS I recall the days of training at the arena of dai Nippon Karatedo Kai, around 1937, I remember master Kanwa Mabuni, with his gentle look, sitting in the front flanked by Takamasa Tomoyori and Yoshikatsu Hase. The practice at that time comprised mostly the basic forms together with kumite with fixing the offense and defense sides. Free kumite was only used in special occasions. The training was rough and hard. Tsuki and Keri were actually made without stopping, and nage and gyaku was much employed too. The karate suit was not smart like today. We used Kendo's quilted jacket and Judo's trousers. During the hard training, the cloths used to torn of quite often. The lessons of master Mabuni were very severe, unlike the gentler style later on. Throughout the turmoil of the post-war-era, master Mabuni though contending with poverty, endeavored to contribute to the reconstruction of Japan through the diffusion of karatedo, devoting himself to the promotion of Shitoryu Karatedo. Sadly, he passed away suddenly on May 23, 1952, before he could realize his aspirations. I vividly remember how we all, pupils of master Mabuni, pledged to carry on our master's wishes to realization. Yoshiaki Tsujikawa Courtesy Sensei A. Tanzadeh | Yoshiaki Tsujikawa | |
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