Maximum power is the concentration of the strength of all parts of the body on the target. Not just the strength of the arms and legs.

Equally important is the elimination of unnecessary power when executing a technique, which will result in giving greater power where it is needed. Basically, power should start at zero, climax to one hundred on impact, and immediately return to zero. Relaxing unnecessary power does not mean relaxing alertness. One should always be alert and prepared for the next movement.

Strengthening of Muscular Power

Understanding of theory and principles without strong, well-trained, elastic muscles to execute the techniques is useless. Strengthening muscles requires constant training.

It is also important to know which muscles are used in which techniques. To the extent that muscles are used specifically, greater effectives can be expected. Conversely, the less muscles are used unnecessary, the less the loss of energy. Muscles operating fully and harmoniously will produce strong and effective techniques.

Rhythm and Timing

In any sport, the performance of a top athlete is very rhythmical. This applies also in Karate.

The timing of various techniques cannot be expressed musically, but it is nonetheless important. The three principal factors are the correct use of power, swiftness or slowness in executing techniques and the stretching and contraction of muscles.

The performance of a master is not only powerful but also very rhythmical and beautiful. Acquiring a sense of rhythm and timing is an excellent way to make progress in the art.

Hiki te (The withdrawing Hand)

The withdrawing hand leads the rotation of the hips. When executing a technique, the withdrawing hand must move strongly, quickly and sufficiently. If not, the technique will not reach its maximum effectiveness. Another important point is that both arms must move at exactly the same time.

If the technique is being executed with the right hand, it is usual for the left elbow to be drawn straight back. When striking in a wide arc, the withdrawing arm should also appear as a wide arc. In other words, if the technique is executed in a straight line, the other arm withdraws in a straight line. If the technique is arc like, the other arm travels in an arc.

It is not too much to say that with excellent techniques are born strong, fast withdrawing arms.

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Courtesy Sensei A Tanzadeh Shito-Kai

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