Date of Birth: 30 10 1943
Place of Birth: Hyogo, Japan (near Osaka)
Degree in Philosophy and Letters by the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Kobe (Kobe Gaidai) 7th Dan Master of Karate by the Japanese Federation and 9th Dan by the Spanish Karate Federation and W.U.K.O. (World Karate federation).
1956: Starts practicing Karate, Kushin-Ryu style, with master Matsukazi.
1959: Hight School Studies. Practices Goju-Ryu Karate style.
1960: Starts practicing Shito-Ryu style with master Tsuzikawa, and by his recommendation starts to practice in between with master Mabuni, son of the Shito-Ryu school founder.
1961: Begins university studies in Kobe. Obtains 1st Dan by the Japanese Karate Federation.
1962: Captain of the Karate university team of Kobe. Team territorial champion of Kobe. Obtains 2nd Dan by the Japanese Karate Federation. | 
Master Yasunari Ishimi courtesy Sensei A Tanzadeh |
1965: Individual Second in the University National Championship of Japan.
1967: Obtains the 3rd Dan by the Japanese Karate Federation. Arrives in Spain. Teaches classes in several gymnasiums of Madrid, until setting up his own dojo.
1969: Return to Japan for the 4th Dan exam by the Japanese Karate Federation.
1970: Opening of the Ishimi Dojo . 5th Dan of the Spanish Karate Federation. Funds the Shito-Ryu Spain Association. National coach of the Spanish Karate Federation.
1973: Return to Japan for the 5th Dan exam by the Japanese Karate Federation.
1979: 6th Dan of the Japanese Karate Federation. 6th Dan of the Spanish Karate Federation.
1980: World Karate Championship in Spain. World Kata Judge.
1983: International Judge title. 7th Dan of the Spanish Karate federation. World Kumite Judge title.
1985: 7th Dan of the Japanese Karate Federation. Master Kenei Mabuni awards him the Kyoshi (Master of Shito-Ryu) title.
1988: Nominated representative of the Shito-Kai school for Europe by master Iwata, President of the Shito-Kai school.
1995: June: 8th Dan by the Spanish Karate Federation.
2005: Julio, 9th DAN by the Spanish Karate Federation.
Presently living in Madrid and dedicated to the teaching and practice of Karate Do in his Dojo. As directing the Shitokai Europe Association activities.