The ISKKS crest consists of an outer area where at the top we have the kanji for "Uchina-Di" (沖縄手). This is the name for "Okinawa-te" in the Uchinaaguchi (沖縄口) dialect. It is used to differentiate the styles of Karate born in Okinawa rather than those created on mainland Japan. The red ring is interpreted as symbolizing a "circle of a family", we have the feeling that all our members are part of our martial arts family (kazoku - 家族). The red color of the circle symbolizing the red of the Okinawan and Japanese flag. In the center is the abbrviated text, ISKKS, for the International Shuriway Karate & Kobudo Society. The "S" drawn as a dragon which represents the Chinese origins of Uchina-Di, while also chosen to represent the power and strength of karate, kenpo, chuan-fa, china-hand, and many other names by which martial arts are known all over the world. On the lower portion we have our representation of the "Aka Obi", the Red Belt. This belt represents the highest title (Shogo) of Hanshi, and corresponds to the path of knowledge and experience, from the red belt of the beginner, to the red belt of the master. With the kanji for "Shuriway" upon the belt. Inside the circle shows the image of "Shurijo" (首里城) Shuri Castle, to reflect the importance of the name "Shuri" within the karate of Okinawa. The Castle symbolizing the history and culture of Okinawa, and its history of the Ryukyu Kingdom.
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