Thank you to all the contributors of this website some of which are mentioned below. Please accept our apologies if we have missed anyone. Some of the material on this website has been provided by 3rd parties. Where the author is known a credit appears. If this material has been obtained without permission or an error has occurred, we apologize and if contact is made we will endeavour to rectify the error.
Thank you to all the contributors below:
BSKA - Roger Mills
English Karate Federation Ltd - design influenced
Ernest J. Estrada
Fighting Arts International
Genbu-Kai International
International Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation
International Federation of Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Organizations
International Karate Organization Kyokushinkai
International Santen Karate Association (ISKA)
James Herndon
Japan Karate Association
Japan Karate-Do Federation Shito-Kai
Japan Karatedo Kunibakai International
Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai
KDS Portugal
Kojo Ryu Koshinkan Association
Masaaki Ikemiyagi
Natsuko Mineghishi
Okinawa Prefectural Government
Paul Ferris - Kenshikan Shito-Ryu
Soke Del Saito - Saito-Ha Shito-Ryu / Traditional Karate-do Federation International
Phil Snewin - Kamishin Ryu Karate-Do
Seibukan Shorin-Ryu
Sensei Sam Moledzki - Shito-Kai
Ronnie Colwell
Rudy Crosswell
RyuKyu Kobujutsu Association of Great Britain
RyuKyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai
Sensei A Tanzadeh
Sensei Keiji Tomiyama - Kofukan
Shukokai International
Tetsuhiro Hokama
Wado International Karate-Do Federation
Wigan Bujutsu Kai
Terry Wingrove
World Kobukan Federation
World Matsubayashi Ryu Karate-Do Association
World Seido Juku Karate Organization
World Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (WSKF)
World Wide Nanbu Federation
Zenkoku Budō Kyōkai

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